Certified APAS Products

CLASS I CONFORMITY: Product(s) has been manufactured in stated RMU(s), fully tested and found to comply with all requirements of the relevant APAS specification(s).

CLASS II CONFORMITY: Product(s) has been manufactured in stated RMU(s), tested to all requirements of the relevant APAS specification(s), and are awaiting long term or field testing results.

NOTE: APAS is aligning all Product Certifications to the applicable Product Specification(s) they have achieved certification against. All current Product Specifications are located in the Specification List. The specification version number(s) are being added into the ‘Product Name B’ column as part of the description and is also part of the ‘Specification reference id’. If a product listed below has attained Product Certification to a previous version of a specification, a copy of this can be obtained for informative purposes only as products can only seek certification to current specifications. To obtain a previous specification edition, contact APAS via the CONTACT US link.