Hear From Our Members


“The Royal Australian Navy was an original participant in the Defence Paint Committee formed in the 1940s, which after numerous evolutions and expansion of scope has become APAS. The RAN continues to value and maintain its membership in APAS due to the following benefits.

  • Provides Navy (Defence) with a means of communicating technical coating specifications for specialist applications not covered by existing commercial standards.
  • Independent third party certification process for demonstrating conformance to such standards.
  • Assurance by using certified products that have come from an APAS accredited Recognised Manufacturing Unit (RMU).
  • Assurance by using contractors for protective coating work certified with the complementary sister Paint Contactor Certification Program (PCCP) scheme.
  • Provides opportunity and means for cooperation between Government agencies (APAS and Defence) to work together to improve on existing and developing new specifications as the need in Defence arises.”

The Royal Australian Navy


“I would like to take the opportunity to thank you all for your assistance you have given to the RAPMG and me in progressing the specifications and issues I have raised. Its great that you, the RIAA and RAPMG are working together and progress to date has been great and wall need to maintain the progress forward.”

  Ron Koorengevel – Main Roads WA


“Over the last 18months, APAS has significantly improved its professionalism and re-established its position as the go to certification system for paint products. We love the responsiveness of the team; all members are willing to assist, and communication has markedly improved. Most of all the way they approach their members is very collaborative. No one person holds all the answers and APAS have really demonstrated their willingness to engages and consult.

Another thing we love is that APAS is now more thorough and transparent in their approval of materials. High quality products are a must in our industry, yet we know there are non-approved products that have been used. APAS is critical in the upholding on quality in our industry and helping our industry improve road safety.”

Ennis Flint


“TfNSW are supportive users of APAS approved products and accredited service providers from the PCCP scheme.  TfNSW manage some of the most critical transport assets in Australia and the products and services where specified, further augment an independent level of rigour to enable safer and better connection of our customers.  The collaborative participation of ongoing development of the schemes with the CSIRO help ensure better outcomes and value for both participating members and users”.