How Do I Participate?

The following is a description of the listing stages and requirements of the ActivFire® Scheme process. 


Before applying for ActivFire® certification, the applicant should contact ActivFire® with details of each product proposed for the submission. These details should include a description of the product that is sufficient to determine the type of product, and the brand/model by which each product will be designated. 

From the information provided, ActivFire® may provide the following pre-application advice, which will determine the application process and requirements for each designated product. 

  1. The product category/type as applicable to each designated product. 
  2. The listing classification. 

The pre-application advice may be subject to revision, upon receipt and processing of the application. 


All applications shall complete and submit an ActivFire® project application form – AF-F001, that can be found here. Where the applicant proposes to submit a range of various products, a separate application is required for each product category/type. If the pre-application advice indicates that all products are under the same ActivFire® product category/type, only one application is required. 

Each application must be accompanied by supporting technical documentation and other articles for each designated product. As appropriate to the type of product, the submitted relevant articles should adequately detail the physical, mechanical, electrical, and chemical characteristics as well as installation, connection, configuration, and operational requirements. Such relevant articles may include the following: 

  • Technical data sheets and/or product specifications. 
  • Operator’s manuals and installation instructions. 
  • Schedule of consumable and spare parts. 
  • A physical sample of the product. 

Processing of application 

Upon receiving an application, ActivFire® will check the application for completeness and accuracy.  

If the applicant is not the producer of the product, further information shall be provided to ActivFire® including letters from the producer acknowledging a commercial agreement is in place between both business entities, and ActivFire® may contact the producer of the product for verification purposes.  

If there are no issues with the application, either a quote or Confirmation of Service Request (CoSR) will be issued to the applicant next.  

For products classified under ActivFire®’s Listing Body Approval (LBA) classification, and evaluation for conformity is required to the specified reference criteria(s) by a Recognised Agency for Conformity Evaluation (RACE), ActivFire® will work together with the RACE to issue an evaluation plan. For evaluation of conformity with CSIRO’s Fire System Laboratory, a quote for the evaluation of conformity and verification of conformity of the product will be issued. Once the quote has been accepted, an agreement and CoSR will be issued to the applicant. 

For products classified under ActivFire®’s Recognised Body Approval (RBA) classification, a CoSR will directly be issued to the applicant. 

Evidence / verification of conformity 

The evidence/verification of conformity requirements are determined according to the listing classification and other requirements as specified in the CoSR. 

For LBA classification, verification of conformity is subject to the following requirements. 

  • An evaluation of conformity carried out in accordance with the specified reference criteria. 
  • An evaluation of conformity undertaken by a RACE. 
  • Upon successful completion of the evaluation of conformity, the RACE must issue appropriate evidence of conformity. This should be a written form of documentation, such as a report, which contains a statement of conformity with the reference criteria as specified in the CoSR. 

For RBA classification, verification of conformity can be provided through recognition of product certifications (listings and approvals) by a Recognised Conformity Assessment Body (RCAB). The verification of conformity, from a RCAB, must be for the same products as designated on the application, in accordance with the reference criteria specified by ActivFire®. 

Examples of articles issued by recognised bodies, which may be deemed appropriate verification of conformity, include one or more of the following: 

  • Product licence and schedule identifying the designations of products and reference criteria to which the licence applies. 
  • Current listing entry of the designated products in the RCAB directory/register of products. 
  • An evaluation for conformity of the designated products concluded by statement of conformity with reference criteria. 

The applicant shall ensure that ActivFire® is provided with the evidence of conformity as issued by a RACE or RCAB, if it wishes to proceed with the listing. 

Verification and validation of listing application 

The verification and validation process, registration and listing of a product, include the following: 

  • Receipt of evidence of conformity and other relevant articles associated with the product. 
  • Review and verification of evidence of conformity, relevant articles, business entities and any other matters that may have arisen during the listing process, which require resolution prior to finalisation of the product listing. 
  • Confirmation and registration of any changes to the product designation during or after the evaluation for conformity. 
  • Confirmation and registration of business entities and contacts responsible for the product, including the registrant, designated suppliers/distributors, and manufacturer(s). 
  • Activation of the listing for inclusion as a product in the Register of Fire Protection Equipment and assignment of ActivFire® Certificate of Conformity (CoC) number (afp). 
  • Authorisation and issue of CoC, and upload to the ActivFire®website. 
  • Finalisation of listing process and advice, to applicant, registrant and supplier confirming on-line registration of the product listing details and the CoC.