PCCP – Accreditation Classes

PCCP is currently active in the following areas;

  • Protective Coatings – PCCP’s original area of focus covering classes 1 to 6. These classes cover shop blasting and painting, site blasting and painting and the management of hazardous coatings such as lead and chromate-based coatings.

  • Line Marking – Covering classes 20 to 29. these classes cover all types of line marking on major and minor roads, including carpark and airport markings.

  • Architectural Coatings Low VOC – Encompasses Class 17 & 18 – These classes cover Decorative coatings for both commercial and residential. Low VOC coatings may be required in order to minimise any risk of public WHS issues.

  • Refurbishment of High Voltage Transmission Towers – Covered in Class 30

  • Waterproofing –Encompasses Classes 40 – 46. These classes cover all aspects of waterproofing to domestic, residential and commercial buildings.