Current Specification / Version No. | Title | Document |
AP-S0006/1 V11 | Army Olive Drab Enamel (Equipment) – Flat | AP-S0006-1 |
AP-S0006/2 V11 | Army Olive Drab Enamel (Equipment) – Low Gloss | AP-S0006-2 |
AP-S0006/3 V11 | Army Olive Drab Enamel (Equipment) – Full Gloss | AP-S0006-3 |
AP-S0009 V10 | Undercoat for Army Olive Drab Enamel (Equipment) | AP-S0009 |
AP-S0012/1 V9 | Water Based Roof Paint (Latex) – Galvanised iron roofs | AP-S0012-1 |
AP-S0012/2 V9 | Water Based Roof Paint (Latex) – Fibrous cement roofs | AP-S0012-2 |
AP-S0014/1 V9 | Zinc Rich Pre-construction Primers – One pack, organic binder | AP-S0014-1 |
AP-S0014/2 V9 | Zinc Rich Pre-construction Primers – Two pack, epoxy binder | AP-S0014-2 |
AP-S0014/3 V9 | Zinc Rich Pre-construction Primers – Two pack, ethyl silicate binder | AP-S0014-3 |
AP-S0014/4 V9 | Zinc Rich Pre-construction Primers – Two pack, alkali silicate binder | AP-S0014-4 |
AP-S0015/1 V9 | Alkyd Enamel (Buildings) – Full gloss, interior / exterior enamel | AP-S0015-1 |
AP-S0015/3 V9 | Alkyd Enamel (Buildings) – Semi-gloss, interior enamel | AP-S0015-3 |
AP-S0016/1 V9 | Solvent Borne Undercoat (Buildings) – Interior and exterior use | AP-S0016-1 |
AP-S0016/2 V9 | Solvent Borne Undercoat (Buildings) – Interior use only | AP-S0016-2 |
AP-S0024 V10 | Full Gloss Oil and Petrol Resistant Enamel | AP-S0024 |
AP-S0032 V9 | Metal Primer | AP-S0032 |
AP-S0035/1 V12 | Etch Primer for Zinc and Zinc/Aluminium Coated Metals – Two pack etch primer | AP-S0035-1 |
AP-S0035/2 V12 | Etch Primer for Zinc and Zinc/Aluminium Coated Metals – One pack etch primer, chromate-free | AP-S0035-2 |
AP-S0039 V9 | Low Gloss Topside Paint – Black or Grey (Ships) | AP-S0039 |
AP-S0040 V0 | Epoxy Adhesives for Installation of Raised Pavement Markers | AP-S0040 |
AP-S0041/2 V4 | Pavement Marking Material – Solvent-borne Paint | AP-S0041-2 |
AP-S0041/3 V5 | Pavement Marking Material – Cold Applied Plastic | AP-S0041-3 |
AP-S0041/4 V4 | Pavement Marking Material – Thermoplastic | AP-S0041-4 |
AP-S0041/5 V5 | Pavement Marking Material – Water-borne Paint | AP-S0041-5 |
AP-S0041/6 V4 | Pavement Marking Material – Airport Runway Markings | AP-S0041-6 |
AP-S0041/7 V2 | Pavement Marking Material – Coloured Surface Treatment | AP-S0041-7 |
AP-S0042/1 V9 | Glass Beads (and Glass Particles) – For use in and with Pavement Marking Materials - Type B (standard grade) or Type B-HR (high retroreflectivity grade) | AP-S0042/1 |
AP-S0042/2 V9 | Glass Beads (and Glass Particles) – For use in and with Pavement Marking Materials - Type C (standard grade) or Type C-HR (high retroreflectivity grade) | AP-S0042/2 |
AP-S0042/3 V9 | Glass Beads (and Glass Particles) – For use in and with Pavement Marking Materials - Type D (standard grade) or Type D-HR (high retroreflectivity grade) | AP-S0042/3 |
AP-S0042/4 V9 | Glass Beads (and Glass Particles) – For use in and with Pavement Marking Materials - Type E | AP-S0042/4 |
AP-S0042/5 V9 | Glass Beads (and Glass Particles) – For use in and with Pavement Marking Materials - Specialty Grade | AP-S0042/5 |
AP-S0042/6 V9 | Glass Beads (and Glass Particles) – For use in and with Pavement Marking Materials - Glass Particles | AP-S0042/6 |
AP-S0043/1 V10 | Heat Resistant Paint for Equipment – To 200 °C, aluminium finish | AP-S0043-1 |
AP-S0043/2 V10 | Heat Resistant Paint for Equipment – To 200 °C, full gloss finish, other colours | AP-S0043-2 |
AP-S0054 V9 | Two Pack Exterior Polyurethane Varnish (General Purpose) | AP-S0054 |
AP-S0055 V9 | One Pack Exterior Varnish | AP-S0055 |
AP-S0061 V9 | Non-skid Epoxy Coating for Ships Decks | AP-S0061 |
AP-S0070/1 V10 | Chalkboard Paint – Solvent-based | AP-S0070-1 |
AP-S0070/3 V10 | Chalkboard Paint – Water-based | AP-S0070-3 |
AP-S0071 V9 | Smooth Non-slip Deck Paint (Ships) | AP-S0071> |
AP-S0072 V9 | Rough Finish Non-skid Deck Paint (Ships) | AP-S0072 |
AP-S0082 V9 | Enamel Epoxy Polyester (Ships) | AP-S0082 |
AP-S0087 V10 | Airdrying Hammer Finish | AP-S0087 |
AP-S0091/1 V9 | Enamel in Pressure Pack – Solvent-borne | AP-S0091-1 |
AP-S0091/2 V9 | Enamel in Pressure Pack – Water-borne | AP-S0091-2 |
AP-S0111 V9 | Timber Coloured Spirit Stain | AP-S0111 |
AP-S0114 V10 | Clear Timber Finish – One Pack Interior (General Purpose) | AP-S0114 |
AP-S0115 V10 | Lightly Pigmented Alkyd Low Gloss Ranch Finish for Exterior Timber | AP-S0115 |
AP-S0116/1 V9 | Clear Water Repellent Coating for Masonry and Concrete – Exterior – Silicone Based, not overcoatable | AP-S0116-1 |
AP-S0116/2 V9 | Clear Water Repellent Coating for Masonry and Concrete – Exterior – Overcoatable | AP-S0116-2 |
AP-S0117/1 V11 | Long Life Texture Coating for Concrete and Masonry – Exterior – Low Build Primer | AP-S0117-1 |
AP-S0117/2 V11 | Long Life Texture Coating for Concrete and Masonry – Exterior – Medium-High Build | AP-S0117-2 |
AP-S0117/3 V11 | Long Life Texture Coating for Concrete and Masonry – Exterior – Medium Build | AP-S0117-3 |
AP-S0117/4 V11 | Long Life Texture Coating for Concrete and Masonry – Exterior – High Build | AP-S0117-4 |
AP-S0118/1 V11 | Texture Coating for Concrete and Masonry – Interior – Low Build | AP-S0118-1 |
AP-S0118/2 V11 | Texture Coating for Concrete and Masonry – Interior – Low-Moderate Build | AP-S0118-2 |
AP-S0118/3 V11 | Texture Coating for Concrete and Masonry – Interior – Moderate Build | AP-S0118-3 |
AP-S0118/4 V11 | Texture Coating for Concrete and Masonry – Interior – High Build | AP-S0118-4 |
AP-S0134 V9 | Latex Primer for Galvanised Steel and Zincalume (Buildings) | AP-S0134 |
AP-S0140 V9 | Hot Water Grade Epoxy Enamel (Ships) | AP-S0140 |
AP-S0141/1 V9 | Holding Primer – Epoxy Type (Vehicles & Equipment) – Thin Film | AP-S0141-1 |
AP-S0141/2 V9 | Holding Primer – Epoxy Type (Vehicles & Equipment) – Thick Film | AP-S0141-2 |
AP-S0145/1 V10 | Coating System for Non-ferrous Metals – Zinc and Zinc Alloys | AP-S0145-1 |
AP-S0145/2 V10 | Coating System for Non-ferrous Metals – Aluminium | AP-S0145-2 |
AP-S0147 V9 | Copal Stoving Varnish for Ammunition | AP-S0147 |
AP-S0150/1 V10 | Acrylic Polyurethane Finishing System for Vehicles – Full Gloss Finishing Coat | AP-S0150-1 |
AP-S0150/2 V10 | Acrylic Polyurethane Finishing System for Vehicles – Metal Primer | AP-S0150-2 |
AP-S0150/3 V10 | Acrylic Polyurethane Finishing System for Vehicles – Primer Surfacer | AP-S0150-3 |
AP-S0150/4 V10 | Acrylic Polyurethane Finishing System for Vehicles – Thinner | AP-S0150-4 |
AP-S0150/5 V10 | Acrylic Polyurethane Finishing System for Vehicles - Low Gloss Finishing Coat | AP-S0150-5 |
AP-S0154/1 V15 | Polyurethane Finishing System for Vehicles and Equipment – Flat DPP Finish Coat (Camouflage) | AP-S0154-1 |
AP-S0154/2 V15 | Polyurethane Finishing System for Vehicles and Equipment – Epoxy Primer for Steel | AP-S0154-2 |
AP-S0154/3 V15 | Polyurethane Finishing System for Vehicles and Equipment – Low Gloss DPP Finish Coat (Camouflage) | AP-S0154-3 |
AP-S0154/4 V15 | Polyurethane Finishing System for Vehicles and Equipment – Thinner | AP-S0154-4 |
AP-S0154/5 V15 | Polyurethane Finishing System for Vehicles and Equipment – Etch Primer | AP-S0154-5 |
AP-S0154/6 V15 | Polyurethane Finishing System for Vehicles and Equipment – Epoxy Primer (Multi-purpose) | AP-S0154-6 |
AP-S0154/7 V15 | Polyurethane Finishing System for Vehicles and Equipment – Epoxy Primer for Aluminium | AP-S0154-7 |
AP-S0154/8 V15 | Polyurethane Finishing System for Vehicles and Equipment – Flat Finish Coat (Solar heat reflecting) | AP-S0154-8 |
AP-S0154/9 V15 | Polyurethane Finishing System for Vehicles and Equipment – Low Gloss Finish Coat (Solar heat reflecting) | AP-S0154-9 |
AP-S0155/1 V9 | Thermosetting Powder Coating – Interior grade | AP-S0155-1 |
AP-S0155/2 V9 | Thermosetting Powder Coating – Exterior grade | AP-S0155-2 |
AP-S0156/1 V10 | Epoxy Mastic High Build Two-Pack Coating for Rusted Steel - Aluminium | AP-S0156-1 |
AP-S0156/2 V10 | Epoxy Mastic High Build Two-Pack Coating for Rusted Steel - Colours | AP-S0156-2 |
AP-S0162 V11 | Zinc Phosphate Metal Primer | AP-S0162 |
AP-S0165/1 V12 | Alkyd Disruptive Pattern Paint for Vehicles and Equipment – Conventional Infra-red Reflectance | AP-S0165-1 |
AP-S0165/2 V12 | Alkyd Disruptive Pattern Paint for Vehicles and Equipment – Near Infra-red Reflectance (NIRR) | AP-S0165-2 |
AP-S0167 V10 | Water Borne Two-Pack Epoxy Gloss (Buildings) | AP-S0167 |
AP-S0168/1 V10 | Silane Based Water Repellents for Concrete and Masonry - Solvent-free silane with >95% active silane | AP-S0168-1 |
AP-S0168/2 V10 | Silane Based Water Repellents for Concrete and Masonry - Silane solution in organic solvent with >20% active silane | AP-S0168-2 |
AP-S0168/3 V10 | Silane Based Water Repellents for Concrete and Masonry - Siloxane solution in organic solvent with 6-20% siloxane | AP-S0168-3 |
AP-S0168/4 V10 | Silane Based Water Repellents for Concrete and Masonry - Silane cream at >75% active silane in water | AP-S0168-4 |
AP-S0171 V9 | Solvent Borne Sealer for Concrete and Masonry (Buildings) | AP-S0171 |
AP-S0172 V11 | Interior Latex Sealer (Buildings) | AP-S0172 |
AP-S0173 V9 | Lining for Water Pumps and Valves | AP-S0173 |
AP-S0181 V9 | Solvent Borne Wood Primer (Buildings) | AP-S0181 |
AP-S0183 V9 | Latex Wood Primer (Buildings) | AP-S0183 |
AP-S0200/1 V9 | Solvent Borne One Pack Pigmented Paving Paint for Concrete – Semi-gloss finish | AP-S0200-1 |
AP-S0200/2 V9 | Solvent Borne One Pack Pigmented Paving Paint for Concrete – Gloss finish | AP-S0200-2 |
AP-S0201/1 V9 | Solvent Borne Two Pack Pigmented Paving Paint for Interior Concrete – Low Build | AP-S0201-1 |
AP-S0201/2 V9 | Solvent Borne Two Pack Pigmented Paving Paint for Interior Concrete – High Build | AP-S0201-2 |
AP-S0205 V9 | One Pack Clear Moisture Cured Finish for Timber | AP-S0205 |
AP-S0206 V9 | Two Pack Clear Finish for Timber | AP-S0206 |
AP-S0209/1L V3 | Floor Coatings for Building Interiors – Solvent Based or Solvent Free Coating – Low Surface Emitting Product | AP-S0209/1L |
AP-S0209/1 V3 | Floor Coatings for Building Interiors – Solvent Based or Solvent Free Coating | AP-S0209/1 |
AP-S0209/2L V3 | Floor Coatings for Building Interiors – Water-based Coating – Low Surface Emitting Product | AP-S0209/2L |
AP-S0209/2 V3 | Floor Coatings for Building Interiors – Water-based Coating | AP-S0209/2 |
AP-S0212 V17 | Coatings for Aviation Fuel Tank Internal Lining | AP-S0212 |
AP-S0213 V7 | Coatings for Steel used in Sewage Works | AP-S0213 |
AP-S0214 V8 | Coatings for Concrete used in Sewage Works | AP-S0214 |
AP-S0215/1 V13 | Interior Latex Paint, Low Odour, Low VOC (Buildings) – Gloss finish | AP-S0215-1 |
AP-S0215/2 V13 | Interior Latex Paint, Low Odour, Low VOC (Buildings) – Semi-gloss finish | AP-S0215-2 |
AP-S0215/3 V13 | Interior Latex Paint, Low Odour, Low VOC (Buildings) – Low gloss finish | AP-S0215-3 |
AP-S0215/4 V13 | Interior Latex Paint, Low Odour, Low VOC (Buildings) – Washable flat finish | AP-S0215-4 |
AP-S0215/5 V13 | Interior Latex Paint, Low Odour, Low VOC (Buildings) – Ceiling flat finish | AP-S0215-5 |
AP-S0215/6 V13 | Interior Latex Paint, Low Odour, Low VOC (Buildings) – Sealer undercoat | AP-S0215-6 |
AP-S0216 V2 | Low VOC Sealer for Porous Substrate | AP-S0216 |
AP-S0260/1 V5 | Interior Water Based Paints for Buildings – Gloss Finish | AP-S0260-1 |
AP-S0260/2 V5 | Interior Water Based Paints for Buildings – Semi-gloss Finish | AP-S0260-2 |
AP-S0260/3 V5 | Interior Water Based Paints for Buildings – Low Gloss Finish | AP-S0260-3 |
AP-S0260/4 V5 | Interior Water Based Paints for Buildings – Washable Flat Finish | AP-S0260-4 |
AP-S0260/5 V5 | Interior Water Based Paints for Buildings – Flat Finish for Ceilings | AP-S0260-5 |
AP-S0280/1 V5 | Exterior Water Based Paints for Buildings – Gloss Finish | AP-S0280-1 |
AP-S0280/2 V5 | Exterior Water Based Paints for Buildings – Semi-gloss Finish | AP-S0280-2 |
AP-S0280/3 V5 | Exterior Water Based Paints for Buildings – Low Gloss Finish | AP-S0280-3 |
AP-S0280/4 V5 | Exterior Water Based Paints for Buildings – Heavily Pigmented Gloss DTS Finish | AP-S0280-4 |
AP-S0280/5 V5 | Exterior Water Based Paints for Buildings – Heavily Pigmented Low Gloss DTS Finish | AP-S0280-5 |
AP-S0501/1 V6 | Low Solar Absorbing, Colour Stable Exterior Topside Paint for Navy Vessels – Low Gloss | AP-S0501/1 |
AP-S0501/2 V6 | Low Solar Absorbing, Colour Stable Exterior Topside Paint for Navy Vessels – Semi-gloss | AP-S0501/2 |
AP-S0502/1 V5 | DP Camouflage Polyurethane Finishing System for Vehicles & Equipment – Low Gloss DP Camouflage Finish Coat | AP-S0502-1 |
AP-S0502/2 V5 | DP Camouflage Polyurethane Finishing System for Vehicles & Equipment – Flat DP Camouflage Finish Coat | AP-S0502-2 |
AP-S0502/3 V5 | DP Camouflage Polyurethane Finishing System for Vehicles & Equipment – Epoxy Primer for Steel | AP-S0502-3 |
AP-S0502/4 V5 | DP Camouflage Polyurethane Finishing System for Vehicles & Equipment – Epoxy Primer for Aluminium | AP-S0502-4 |
AP-S0502/5 V5 | DP Camouflage Polyurethane Finishing System for Vehicles & Equipment – Multi-Purpose Epoxy Primer for Steel & Aluminium | AP-S0502-5 |
AP-S0502/6 V5 | DP Camouflage Polyurethane Finishing System for Vehicles & Equipment – Thinner | AP-S0502-6 |
AP-S1441/1 V11 | Permanent Graffiti Barrier – Clear, Exterior | AP-S1441-1 |
AP-S1441/2 V11 | Permanent Graffiti Barrier – Pigmented, Exterior | AP-S1441-2 |
AP-S1441/3 V11 | Permanent Graffiti Barrier – Interior | AP-S1441-3 |
AP-S1442/1 V11 | Temporary Graffiti Barrier – Clear, Exterior | AP-S1442-1 |
AP-S1442/2 V11 | Temporary Graffiti Barrier – Pigmented, Exterior | AP-S1442-2 |
AP-S1442/3 V11 | Temporary Graffiti Barrier – Interior | AP-S1442-3 |
AP-S1720/1 V12 | Encapsulation System for Asbestos Cement Sheeting – 2-year Life | AP-S1720-1 |
AP-S1720/2 V12 | Encapsulation System for Asbestos Cement Sheeting – 5-year Life | AP-S1720-2 |
AP-S2903/1 V11 | Chlorinated Rubber Coating for Steel - High-build pigmented chlorinated rubber paint (Type 1) | AP-S2903-1 |
AP-S2903/2 V11 | Chlorinated Rubber Coating for Steel - High-build chlorinated rubber paint containing ≥ 90% micaceous iron oxide (Type 2) | AP-S2903-2 |
AP-S2903/3 V11 | Chlorinated Rubber Coating for Steel - Low-build pigmented chlorinated rubber paint, gloss (Type 3) | AP-S2903-3 |
AP-S2908 V9 | Inorganic Zinc Silicate Coating for the Long-term Protection of Steel | AP-S2908 |
AP-S2910 V10 | MIO or Aluminium Pigmented Coating for the Protection of Steel | AP-S2910 |
AP-S2911/1 V12 | Polyurethane Coating for the Protection of Steel in Atmosphere – Standard Isocyanate Cured | AP-S2911 |
AP-S2911/2 V12 | Polyurethane Coating for the Protection of Steel in Atmosphere – High Durability, organically modified | AP-S2911 |
AP-S2911/3 V12 | Polyurethane Coating for the Protection of Steel in Atmosphere – Highly durable, fluoropolymer (or other) modified binder | AP-S2911 |
AP-S2916/1 V11 | Organic Zinc-Rich Primer for the Long-term Protection of Steel - Single-pack primer | AP-S2916-1 |
AP-S2916/2 V11 | Organic Zinc-Rich Primer for the Long-term Protection of Steel - Two (or more) - pack primer | AP-S2916-2 |
AP-S2917F V10 | Catalysed Polyester Coating for Protection of Steel – Fresh Water | AP-S2917F |
AP-S2917P V10 | Catalysed Polyester Coating for Protection of Steel – Potable Water | AP-S2917P |
AP-S2917S V10 | Catalysed Polyester Coating for Protection of Steel – Salt Water | AP-S2917S |
AP-S2917 V10 | Catalysed Polyester Coating for Protection of Steel – Atmospheric | AP-S2917 |
AP-S2919 V9 | Catalysed Acrylic Coating for Protection of Steel | AP-S2919 |
AP-S2920/1 V10 | Siloxane and Polysiloxane Coatings for the Long-term Protection of Steel and Masonry – Corrosion Resistance | AP-S2920-1 |
AP-S2920/2 V10 | Siloxane and Polysiloxane Coatings for the Long-term Protection of Steel and Masonry – Atmospheric Durability | AP-S2920-2 |
AP-S2920/3 V10 | Siloxane and Polysiloxane Coatings for the Long-term Protection of Steel and Masonry – Specialised Applications | AP-S2920-3 |
AP-S2921 V9 | Durable Air Drying Alkyd or Oleoresinous Primer for the Protection of Steel | AP-S2921 |
AP-S2922 V9 | Air Drying Alkyd or Oleoresinous Finish Coating for the Protection of Steel | AP-S2922 |
AP-S2930F V3 | Single Pack Moisture Cure Urethane Coating for the Long-term Protection of Steel – Fresh Water | AP-S2930F |
AP-S2930P V3 | Single Pack Moisture Cure Urethane Coating for the Long-term Protection of Steel – Potable Water | AP-S2930P |
AP-S2930S V3 | Single Pack Moisture Cure Urethane Coating for the Long-term Protection of Steel – Salt Water | AP-S2930S |
AP-S2930T V3 | Single Pack Moisture Cure Urethane Coating for the Long-term Protection of Steel – Hydrocarbon Fuels | AP-S2930T |
AP-S2930 V3 | Single Pack Moisture Cure Urethane Coating for the Long-term Protection of Steel – Atmospheric | AP-S2930 |
AP-S2940 V3 | MIO or Aluminium Coating for the Protection of Steel Subject to Continuous Condensation | AP-S2940 |
AP-S2971 V11 | Durable Two-Pack Epoxy Primer for the Long-term Protection of Steel | AP-S2971 |
AP-S2972F V11 | Low Build Two-Pack Epoxy Coating for the Long-term Protection of Steel – Fresh Water | AP-S2972F |
AP-S2972S V11 | Low Build Two-Pack Epoxy Coating for the Long-term Protection of Steel – Salt Water | AP-S2972S |
AP-S2972 V11 | Low Build Two-Pack Epoxy Coating for the Long-term Protection of Steel – Atmospheric | AP-S2972 |
AP-S2973F V10 | Medium Build Two-Pack Epoxy Coating for the Long-term Protection of Steel – Fresh Water | AP-S2973F |
AP-S2973P V10 | Medium Build Two-Pack Epoxy Coating for the Long-term Protection of Steel – Potable Water | AP-S2973P |
AP-S2973S V10 | Medium Build Two-Pack Epoxy Coating for the Long-term Protection of Steel – Salt Water | AP-S2973S |
AP-S2973T V10 | Medium Build Two-Pack Epoxy Coating for the Long-term Protection of Steel – Hydrocarbon Fuels | AP-S2973T |
AP-S2973 V10 | Medium Build Two-Pack Epoxy Coating for the Long-term Protection of Steel – Atmospheric | AP-S2973 |
AP-S2974F V9 | Medium Build Solventless Two-Pack Epoxy Coating for the Long-term Protection of Steel – Fresh Water | AP-S2974F |
AP-S2974P V9 | Medium Build Solventless Two-Pack Epoxy Coating for the Long-term Protection of Steel – Potable Water | AP-S2974P |
AP-S2974S V9 | Medium Build Solventless Two-Pack Epoxy Coating for the Long-term Protection of Steel – Salt Water | AP-S2974S |
AP-S2974 V9 | Medium Build Solventless Two-Pack Epoxy Coating for the Long-term Protection of Steel – Atmospheric | AP-S2974 |
AP-S2975/1F V11 | Ultra-High Build Solventless Two-Pack Epoxy Coating for the Long-term Protection of Steel – Fresh Water | AP-S2975-1F |
AP-S2975/1P V11 | Ultra-High Build Solventless Two-Pack Epoxy Coating for the Long-term Protection of Steel – Potable Water | AP-S2975-1P |
AP-S2975/1S V11 | Ultra-High Build Solventless Two-Pack Epoxy Coating for the Long-term Protection of Steel – Salt Water | AP-S2975-1S |
AP-S2975/1 V11 | Ultra-High Build Two-Pack Epoxy Coating for the Long-term Protection of Steel – Atmospheric | AP-S2975-1 |
AP-S2975/2F V11 | Ultra-High Build Two-Pack Epoxy Coating for the Long-term Protection of Steel – No Pot Life Restriction – Fresh Water | AP-S2975-2F |
AP-S2975/2P V11 | Ultra-High Build Two-Pack Epoxy Coating for the Long-term Protection of Steel – No Pot Life Restriction – Potable Water | AP-S2975-2P |
AP-S2975/2S V11 | Ultra-High Build Two-Pack Epoxy Coating for the Long-term Protection of Steel – No Pot Life Restriction – Salt Water | AP-S2975-2S |
AP-S2975/2 V11 | Ultra-High Build Two-Pack Epoxy Coating for the Long-term Protection of Steel – No Pot Life Restriction – Atmospheric | AP-S2975-2 |
AP-S2976 V10 | Two-Pack Epoxy Mastic Coating for the Long-term Protection of Steel | AP-S2976 |
AP-S2977F V3 | Slow Drying / High Volume Solids Two-Pack Epoxy Mastic Coating for the Long-term Protection of Steel – Fresh Water | AP-S2977F |
AP-S2977S V3 | Slow Drying / High Volume Solids Two-Pack Epoxy Mastic Coating for the Long-term Protection of Steel – Salt Water | AP-S2977S |
AP-S2977T V3 | Slow Drying / High Volume Solids Two-Pack Epoxy Mastic Coating for the Long-term Protection of Steel – Hydrocarbon Fuels | AP-S2977T |
AP-S2977 V3 | Slow Drying / High Volume Solids Two-Pack Epoxy Mastic Coating for the Long-term Protection of Steel – Atmospheric | AP-S2977 |
AP-S2978F V2 | Anti-Corrosive Tape Based Systems for the Long-term Protection of Structures – Fresh Water | AP-S2978F |
AP-S2978RS V2 | Anti-Corrosive Tape Based Systems for the Long-term Protection of Structures – Sea Water, Heavy Sea Conditions | AP-S2978R |
AP-S2978S V2 | Anti-Corrosive Tape Based Systems for the Long-term Protection of Structures – Sea Water | AP-S2978S |
AP-S2978SW V2 | Anti-Corrosive Tape Based Systems for the Long-term Protection of Structures – Sewage and/or Sludge | AP-S2978W |
AP-S2978U V2 | Anti-Corrosive Tape Based Systems for the Long-term Protection of Structures – Underground | AP-S2978U |
AP-S2978 V2 | Anti-Corrosive Tape Based Systems for the Long-term Protection of Structures – Atmospheric | AP-S2978 |
AP-S4000/BSEN V0 | Waterproofing Membranes for Above Ground Use (External) – Ballasted Membrane, Sheet, Exposed, Non-trafficable | AP-S4000/BSEN |
AP-S4000/BSETO V0 | Waterproofing Membranes for Above Ground Use (External) – Ballasted Membrane, Sheet, Exposed, Traffic, Occasional Service Vehicle | AP-S4000/BSETO |
AP-S4000/BSETP V0 | Waterproofing Membranes for Above Ground Use (External) – Ballasted Membrane, Sheet, Exposed, Traffic, Pedestrian | AP-S4000/BSETP |
AP-S4000/BSETR V0 | Waterproofing Membranes for Above Ground Use (External) – Ballasted Membrane, Sheet, Exposed, Traffic, Regular Service Vehicle | AP-S4000/BSETR |
AP-S4000/BSN V0 | Waterproofing Membranes for Above Ground Use (External) – Ballasted Membrane, Sheet, Non-exposed | AP-S4000/BSN |
AP-S4000/FLEN V0 | Waterproofing Membranes for Above Ground Use (External) – Fully Bonded Membrane, Liquid, Exposed, Non-trafficable | AP-S4000/FLEN |
AP-S4000/FLETO V0 | Waterproofing Membranes for Above Ground Use (External) – Fully Bonded Membrane, Liquid, Exposed, Traffic, Occasional Service Vehicle | AP-S4000/FLETO |
AP-S4000/FLETP V0 | Waterproofing Membranes for Above Ground Use (External) – Fully Bonded Membrane, Liquid, Exposed, Traffic, Pedestrian | AP-S4000/FLETP |
AP-S4000/FLETR V0 | Waterproofing Membranes for Above Ground Use (External) – Fully Bonded Membrane, Liquid, Exposed, Traffic, Regular Service Vehicle | AP-S4000/FLETR |
AP-S4000/FLN V0 | Waterproofing Membranes for Above Ground Use (External) – Fully Bonded Membrane, Liquid, Non-exposed | AP-S4000/FLN |
AP-S4000/FSEN V0 | Waterproofing Membranes for Above Ground Use (External) – Fully Bonded Membrane, Sheet, Exposed, Non-trafficable | AP-S4000/FSEN |
AP-S4000/FSETP V0 | Waterproofing Membranes for Above Ground Use (External) – Fully Bonded Membrane, Sheet, Exposed, Traffic, Pedestrian | AP-S4000/FSETP |
AP-S4000/FSETO V0 | Waterproofing Membranes for Above Ground Use (External) – Fully Bonded Membrane, Sheet, Exposed, Traffic, Occasional Service Vehicle | AP-S4000/FSETO |
AP-S4000/FSETR V0 | Waterproofing Membranes for Above Ground Use (External) – Fully Bonded Membrane, Sheet, Exposed, Traffic, Regular Service Vehicle | AP-S4000/FSETR |
AP-S4000/FSN V0 | Waterproofing Membranes for Above Ground Use (External) – Fully Bonded Membrane, Sheet, Non-exposed | AP-S4000/FSN |
AP-S4000/MSEN V0 | Waterproofing Membranes for Above Ground Use (External) – Mechanically Fastened Membrane, Sheet, Exposed, Non-trafficable | AP-S4000/MSEN |
AP-S4000/MSETO V0 | Waterproofing Membranes for Above Ground Use (External) – Mechanically Fastened Membrane, Sheet, Exposed, Traffic, Occasional Service Vehicle | AP-S4000/MSETO |
AP-S4000/MSETP V0 | Waterproofing Membranes for Above Ground Use (External) – Mechanically Fastened Membrane, Sheet, Exposed, Traffic, Pedestrian | AP-S4000/MSETP |
AP-S4000/MSETR V0 | Waterproofing Membranes for Above Ground Use (External) – Mechanically Fastened Membrane, Sheet, Exposed, Traffic, Regular Service Vehicle | AP-S4000/MSETR |
AP-S4000/MSN V0 | Waterproofing Membranes for Above Ground Use (External) – Mechanically Fastened Membrane, Sheet, Non-exposed | AP-S4000/MSN |
AP-S4000/PSEN V0 | Waterproofing Membranes for Above Ground Use (External) – Partially Bonded Membrane, Sheet, Exposed, Non-trafficable | AP-S4000/PSEN |
AP-S4000/PSETO V0 | Waterproofing Membranes for Above Ground Use (External) – Partially Bonded Membrane, Sheet, Exposed, Traffic, Occasional Service Vehicle | AP-S4000/PSETO |
AP-S4000/PSETP V0 | Waterproofing Membranes for Above Ground Use (External) – Partially Bonded Membrane, Sheet, Exposed, Traffic, Pedestrian | AP-S4000/PSETP |
AP-S4000/PSETR V0 | Waterproofing Membranes for Above Ground Use (External) – Partially Bonded Membrane, Sheet, Exposed, Traffic, Regular Service Vehicle | AP-S4000/PSETR |
AP-S4000/PSN V0 | Waterproofing Membranes for Above Ground Use (External) – Partially Bonded Membrane, Sheet, Non-exposed | AP-S4000/PSN |
AP-S4001 V0 | Pliable Building Membranes – Vapour / Water Control | AP-S4001 |
AP-S4002/BCM V0 | Damp-Proof Courses and Flashings – Bitumen Coated Metals | AP-S4002/BCM |
AP-S4002/BIM V0 | Damp-Proof Courses and Flashings – Bitumen Impregnated Materials (without metal centres) | AP-S4002/BIM |
AP-S4002/METAL V0 | Damp-Proof Courses and Flashings – Coated or Uncoated Metals | AP-S4002/METAL |
AP-S4002/PCM V0 | Damp-Proof Courses and Flashings – Polyethylene Coated Metals | AP-S4002/PCM |
AP-S4002/PE V0 | Damp-Proof Courses and Flashings – Polyethylene | AP-S4002/PE |
AP-S4003/LMR V0 | Waterproofing Membrane For Wet Areas (Buildings) – Liquid Membrane, reinforced | AP-S4003/LMR |
AP-S4003/SMB V0 | Waterproofing Membrane For Wet Areas (Buildings) – Sheet Membrane, bonded | AP-S4003/SMB |
AP-S4003/LMU V0 | Waterproofing Membrane For Wet Areas (Buildings) – Liquid Membrane, unreinforced | AP-S4003/LMU |
AP-S4003/SMLL V0 | Waterproofing Membrane For Wet Areas (Buildings) – Sheet Membrane, loose laid | AP-S4003/SMLL |
AP-T002 V2 | Determination of the Surface Emission Characteristics of a Coating for use in Building Interiors | AP-T002 |
Showing 1 to 236 of 236 entries